Saturday, January 3, 2009

From the Admiral's Club

We're off. Almost. It has been six months of planning, talking, e-mailing, dreaming, hoping...and Brent and I are just about to board our flight to Auckland. We've successfully stuffed all of our belongings into 4 suitcases...which is amazing given that between us we have six closets at home. Goodbyes have been said. Skype has been installed. I've googled all of the necessities so have some sense of where to start getting our new life installed - cell phones, a gym and a computer tech. What's really important? I have no expectations. Only curiosity and a few butterfly wings. Next time I write, we will be in our new home. 54 Stout Street in Gisborne. [You can see the trees and front gate from google maps].


  1. thanks for taking us along, virtually, on this adventure - can't wait for your next installment! enjoy waking up in your new home


  2. Can't wait to see your next update. Goodbyes are now hellos and packing has turned to unpacking, butterflies have been set free to explore....give us a view of your journey....

  3. It's so great that both of you said yes to this new adventure! I'm looking forward to reading your blog (a great use of 21st century technology!!)--Love, Shelley

  4. As father of the blog..."enjoy the experience of the experience", dad

  5. Discover if the world Down Under is as topsy turvy as stateside U.S. ENJOY and live ebery moment! Love, Aunt Sandy
