When "hired" by Te Rangi Rangi - one of the two childrens' librarians at the HB Williams Memorial Library - to read to some local school children, we agreed it would be good fun for me to come up with a "character." Like little girls playing dress up fashion from their grandmother's jewelry box and musty attic boxes stuffed with Salvation Army clothes.
There is just such a box in the HB William's staff office. It is packed with Mardi Gras bead cast-offs, slightly frayed caps, a boa or two [as in cape, not snake], funky hats and a magic wand.
I rummage through this box - surprised by my own delight at the prospect of make believe.
A multi-colored man's shirt would be perfect adorned with nylon butterflies and yes, someone here can sew them on the sleeves. The purple cap with pipecleaner stars - a wizard's touch. And a magic wand. Whether to dazzle or even to discipline a bit, I'll take it.
All I needed - to launch my career in the neighborhood school - was a name.
I consult my Maori-English dictionary. Let's keep this simple. What is the word for book? Pukapuka. Hmmm, with a butterfly sleeve, a topsy turvy felt hat and a magic wand, I think Miss Pukapuka could give Judy Garland a run for her money.
Miss Pukapuka already has a very full dance ...err reading card. From the private Cobden School to St. Mary's to Te Hapara School - I've got quite a gig going here.
As with my ER duties, these "jobs" aren't doing much to rescue my 401K plan - but my spirit is dancing and my smile is broad.
*One of my dear friends, Shelley Riskin, is a librarian in Glenview, Illinois. She has always inspired me with her commitment to children and her love of books. Somehow my miniscule gestures around literacy, entertainment and play I hope will honor her.
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